Resilience and Staying Strong

We now seem to live in a time of chaos and uncertainty; never knowing what’s around the corner. The uncertainty of our health, jobs, finances and when we will be able to hug our loved ones again, after multiple lockdowns, is really taking its toll. Everyone seems to be struggling in one way or another, some have it worse than others with their mental health drastically declining. 


These days we all need to focus a little more on resiliency which, is the ability to withstand and bounce back in times of adversity. It’s very much a state of mind which, some are better at than others. Nevertheless, we can all strive to increase our resilience in one way or another. 

It’s not about avoiding stress or negativity it’s about learning how to cope and deal with them.  Resilience is made up of 5 pillars, by strengthening these pillars we become more resilient and are able to cope with any adversity that may cause a mental strain. The 5 pillars are: self-awareness, self-care, purpose, mindfulness and relationships. 

The way in which we strengthen each pillar is subjective and can differ from person to person. Nonetheless, here are our top tips to help you strengthen your 5 pillars: 


1.    Self-awareness

This pandemic has been a perfect opportunity for self-discovery. Many of us have realised things about ourselves that we didn’t know before. If you have learnt that you’re quite the pessimist, try to limit your overthinking and negative thoughts. Instinctively, this may lead to toxic positivity which often includes phrases like “look on the brightside…” Instead, try to ignore the thoughts all together as it is impossible to control the uncontrollable. 


2.    Self-care

We are all about self-care here at LLIO. Pandemic or not, we believe it is essential for stress relief and overall happiness. The way you practice self-care is entirely up to you. One thing we all need is a good night’s sleep. It is recommended we get 7-9 hours per night; if you struggle with getting at least 7 hours we recommend using our sweet dreams amethyst sleep spray. A spritz of this on your pillow will help you drift into a deep restorative sleep.


3.     Purpose

Having a consistent routine will supply you with a sense of purpose. It provides a sense of normality which, can boost productivity and provide structure. Every morning try to change out of your slept in pyjamas even if it’s just into a fresh pair. We suggest making a to do list for the day or even the week. It can be menial tasks such as emptying the dishwasher; once you check off each task you will feel accomplished and productive.


4.     Mindfulness

Many scientific studies have demonstrated the significant benefit of practicing yoga and/or mediation. Both will allow you to clear your headspace and regulate overwhelming thoughts and emotions. It can help you focus on the most important things and forget about the irrelevant. We love taking time out of our day to meditate with our crystal collection. The best crystal to use during these tough times is amethyst, as it is well known to be a stress reliever. 


5.    Relationships

Social distancing this does not mean social disconnection. If you are really struggling, reach out for support and remember that we’re all in this together. Try to deepen your connections with those around you even if it is just via zoom. Ensuring we surround ourselves with supportive, loving and caring relationships is critical to our mental health and happiness. 



Look for the everyday positives and remember to work on strengthening your 5 pillars.

Nia Thomas