Full Moon Calendar 2021 July – September

Lovers of astronomy find it mesmerising to watch the night sky in the presence of the moon - especially a full moon. Each full moon is calculated to occur at an exact moment which makes seeing or being in the presence of one a magical experience.

The Buck Moon - July 23rd 2021

The full moon appearing on July 23rd 2021 is nicknamed ‘The Buck Moon’. This unique name was given as July is the time of year new antlers emerge on the forehead of a buck (male deer). July is considered the peak of summer with long days and short nights – making this moon one of the most magical! Beneath the glow of this moon, you feel centred, grounded, and replenished, ready to bring your intentions to fruition.

The Sturgeon Moon - August 22nd

Augusts ‘Sturgeon Moon’ is named after the sturgeon fish. This distinctive fish can live up to 140 years and is known for its strength, endurance, and survival. The Sturgeon moon is a reminder to those experiencing a challenge in their life they can embody the strength of the sturgeon and overcome any trial they may face. 

The Corn Moon – September 20th 2021

Otherwise known as The Harvest Moon, The Corn Moon is the closest moon to the September equinox or the beginning of autumn. This moon is all about abundance and balance. It’s a time to express gratitude and prepare for the dark winter months ahead.

For more fun facts about the moon, follow LLIO’s Instagram page @llio.love

Nia Thomas