Tech Stress

Modern technology is supposed to have improved our lives, but has it?

The constant screen time can be draining, and persistent notifications is sometimes too much. It’s so important to take the time to completely unplug. We’re now so accustomed to using technology for work, socialising and ordering food and clothing.  We don’t realise how much we rely on it for our day to day lives. However, is all that time online beginning to cause us unnecessary stress?

With our increased screen times comes migraines, headaches and the problem of not being able to totally ‘switch off’.  Due to heightened restrictions, using social media is one of the only ways we can communicate with those not in our bubble. This has led to more time being spent online than ever before. Though it has its benefits, like being able to message anyone, anywhere, at any time, it is causing a mental strain as it is not a natural method of communication. 

Apps like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Twitter are so easy to access. One tap and you can end up spending hours scrolling through your feed. After a day working at a computer, you then end up spending your down time staring at a screen again – which is not a healthy habit. On top of this, social media is full of perfectly created and curated content which can negatively, subconsciously affect our happiness and wellbeing.  


Tech stress is a thing, throughout the numerous lockdowns, we have had no choice but to constantly communicate and work through technology. The usage of video calling apps such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom increased considerably, they’re now part of our everyday lives. Having meetings and conversations though a screen is such an unnatural way to communicate, and it is exhausting. Many of us are now suffering from the pandemic phenomenon of “Zoom fatigue”.  Seeing our colleagues and friends should be enjoyable but video chatting is cognitively exhausting. 


Do you remember the last time you spent a day without a headache or strained eyes? If the answer is no, chances are that you may be experiencing symptoms of digital eye strain which, is associated with prolonged blue light exposure. 

 This exposure comes from the screens of all our devices; phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. The blue light can cause strain and stress on our eyes and brain. It can also affect our sleeping pattern as it blocks the hormone melatonin which helps you to sleep.


1.     Set boundaries for yourself

Turn all devices off – including your phone at a set time. Set yourself boundaries where you allow yourself to spend time online but have a set time to switch off. Without the distraction of notifications, you will be able to fully relax and unwind.

2.     Combat “Zoom Fatigue”

Turn off your camera when possible, this will make the conversation or meeting feel less intense. Try to not sit too close to the screen as this will prevent your eyes from feeling strained. Lastly, try to take breaks this will give your brain a rest and will leave you feeling less drained. 

3.     Find Tech- free activities 

There are so many options. Walking, reading, playing an instrument, drawing, taking a bath or even baking.... there are plenty of activities you can fill your time with away from technology. Spending time away from your devices will allow you to be creative and fully switch off.

4.     Combat blue light 

We can combat the physical stress of technology, by wearing blue light glasses to protect our eyes from getting strained. Make sure to turn your screen brightness down and put any devices on night mode. These steps will help to reduce headaches caused by the harsh blue light rays.

5.     Self Care

Step away from your phone and replace it with a facemask and a crystal charged bath. 

You can reset your chakras and have some much-needed time away from distractions. Relax, recharge and rejuvenate with a little self-love. Self-love is the best way to de-stress and cleanse any negative energies. 

Try adding our Magic Centre Bath & Body Oil containing a luxurious blend of grapefruit, vetiver, vanilla and geranium to relax. Infused with Obsidian, the stone to ground your base chakra and absorb negative energies.

In lockdown it has been especially hard to switch off from the world of technology. However, let's all try and find the time to step away from our phones and computers, and make both our physical and mental health a priority. 

Nia Thomas