How Crystals Can Contribute to Tackling Your New Year's Resolutions

If last year's resolutions remained incomplete, enlist the help of powerful and mystical crystals this New

Year! Choosing the best companion for seeking wisdom, willpower and wholeness will help you make

decisions and form new habits.

Crystals contain natural energy, which can form from a couple of days to thousands of years. Isn’t it mind-

blowing that each gemstone is structured to hold energy and bring vibration at the frequencies our minds

and bodies subconsciously pick up?

There’s a little more: Crystals are beneficial for creating balance in life, inner restoration, confidence, and

a revitalized mind. There is a vast array of different crystals some people found notably helpful to their

personal and professional lives.

So, if you’re curious to give them a go, keep an open mind and check out effective ways of how crystals

can serve you while making New Year’s resolutions!

1. Set your intentions

What? Are we not starting from goals and resolutions?

Goals usually come with deadlines, tensions and stress. They make us feel as if we should be rooted in tomorrow. But there’s no bigger joy than being rooted in

today, concentrating on who we are becoming. Goals are great to know our destination, but intentions show us the direction. Learn to let go of the "compulsion"

to achieve something by a specific day and focus on the present moment. Much like goal setting, take your time to write down and define your intention.

You can start with the sentence "I am..." For instance, "I am worthy of care and love in 2022.”

Don't forget to begin with "I" as a way to manifest the truth and express your needs and worth.

2. Find a crystal that aligns with your intention

Like in every mindfulness practice, you’ll want to pick the crystal that speaks to you at the very moment. Do

you strive for positivity and vigor? Try Citrine crystal for abundant joy and vitality.

Do you seek guidance in love matters?

Then give Rose Quartz a try! The whole Rose Quartz meaning is wrapped in unconditional love. We

promise you’ll never run out of options as long as you enrich your spiritual life with the presence of crystals.

3. Cleanse your new crystal

Your crystal has come a long way to you, in the meanwhile, picking up vibes along its path. Cleansing the

crystal will restore it to its natural state.

Here are some tips on how to do it:

Cleansing with salt water:

Submerge your crystal in water and a teaspoon of sea salt. Let the crystal sit in it for at least 15-20 min.

Water and sea salt will neutralize all the negative energies in the stone.

Exposing crystals to the moonlight:

Leave your crystal outside and allow it to sit under direct moonlight. It’s best done under a full moon when

the light is the brightest.


You will need to sit in silence and visualize your crystals bathed in white light as you hold them. Then, you

would simply have to imagine any negative energy washing away from within you.


Burn sage to smudge your crystal and clean it from unwanted energies. If you cannot do the ritual outdoors, make sure you’re near an open window.

Be careful; some crystals cannot be placed in water since they are too soft or brittle. Other methods mentioned above are as effective when restoring them to their original state.

4. Keep it close!

For the next few days, hold the crystal as close to you as possible, so it catches your energy and fills you with your new intentions for 2022. Later you can carry it

with you in your handbag, coat pocket, phone case, etc. You may also repeat the intention-setting ritual several times throughout this year to refocus your

intentions, determination to achieve your goals, and overcome any obstacles.

5. Create rituals with your crystal

Once you have your crystal ready and intentions written down, you may create your ritual. Rituals can be

any action you choose to perform that moves the

purpose and meaning into the universe. Rituals may help you actively envision your intentions coming true,

which opens a door for them to manifest in your life.

A tip: Prepare a crystal altar where you can come to a safe and quiet place to find your crystal and your

written intentions. This will serve as a place of reflection.

If you don't have an altar, simply place your written intention under the crystal of your choice, and meditate

or reflect in your way.

Here are a few other crystals for a remarkable start to the new year:

For spiritual awakening, use Amethyst

While spiritual awakening seems quite a struggle to achieve, Amethyst is a clever choice for bridging the

gaps between you and your spiritual realms. The stone may help you shift your perception of reality and

the surroundings by boosting your intuition and inner wisdom. Decision-making will no longer be a


For beauty and royalty, use Sapphire

There is no better way to express yourself than getting a Sapphire stone. It not only stimulates your

creativity but also enhances your self-expression and individuality. Sapphire can be a great dynamic

force for romance, healthy relationships, and personal growth. New year, new you!

For clearing your vision for future goals and life, use Topaz

Confidence and search for higher wisdom are the main strengths of Topaz stone. Its energy can detect

lies, illusions, and wrong intentions. One realizes when they go astray from their path of what is true to

them. Starting the year with clarity and wisdom can pave the way for other successes!


Each of us is responsible for what we will do with the new opportunities we are given. Moving purposefully

in life is a challenge, but you have the chance to make this journey exciting and rewarding. Every mountain

can be surmountable; you can overcome anything with the right intentions and the help of the universe!

Nia Thomas