Preparing Your Sleeping Space

LLIO spoke with Katharine Walsh from Breath EQ about their top tips and tricks for a great night’s sleep.

Top tips

Get the firmest mattress that works for you, in order to support your spine and let your nervous system relax. Many yogis sleep on the floor (I have to be honest I love sleeping on the floor!) 

Try to orient your bed east-west to cut across the earth’s north-south magnetic field. Your energy can get overpowered if it is in the same orientation as the earth’s magnetic field, which can result in you waking up tired and grouchy.

An hour before bed…

Your hair is literally your antennae, so make sure you brush your hair down and, if long, braid it so it stays neat and tidy through the night. It sounds strange, but it does genuinely help bring about a more restful state of sleep:

Drink a glass or two of water. Dehydration can disturb the sleeping mind. It’s okay if you have to wake up to go to the bathroom

Wash your feet in cold water to get your nervous system ready for relaxation (Hydrotherapy).

Do a few Kundalini Yoga exercises like Life-nerve stretch, Bridge pose, and a Shoulder stand.

Once you are in bed…

Take all your worries, concerns, ideas, and problems, wrap them up in a package, and put them on a shelf in your mind labelled G.O.D (which stands for Generator, Organiser, Destroyer). You’ll be amazed at how many are gone, solved, or improved by the time you wake up.

Set your mental timer to wake you up in the morning. Yes, your subconscious mind has a great sense of time and will respond to your directive.

Lie on your stomach, turn your head so your right cheek is on the pillow. This automatically opens your left nostril to bring in the cooling, soothing, calming energy.

Nia Thomas