Living a Life of Gratitude

Life moves so fast, sometimes the days, weeks, months and even years fly by. Do we ever stop to think who and what we are thankful for? 

Being grateful allows us to stop and slow down to remember our priorities and what brings us joy. It can also help us grow and learn as a person. So, we suggest simply taking two minutes out of your day to journal and write down what you are grateful for.  

  Being grateful can bring so much to your life…

Living a Life of Gratitude   

  1. Reminds you of the positive things in your life 

  2. Reminds you to be thankful for those around you 

  3. Helps turn negatives into positives 

  4. Keeps you grounded and reminds you of what is really important 

What is the best way to practice gratitude daily? 

 There are plenty of ways to practice gratitude in your daily life but here are some suggestions... 


  Showing gratitude can be as simple as saying thank you 

When someone does a nice thing for you, however small, remember to say thank you. A random act of kindness can completely brighten not only someone else’s day, but also your own. Be grateful and spread gratitude - it’s simple. Remember the time someone has done something thoughtful for you – remember how that made you feel. You can note these meaningful moments down during your journaling sessions.  


  Gratitude manifestations  

Speak aloud, repeat in your head or write down some gratitude manifestations.  Here are some suggestions... 

 Some of our favourites are... 

  • I am thankful for my safe and secure home. 

  • I gratefully receive the lessons that each experience brings. 

  • I realise how fortunate I am to be loved by so many. 

  • Every person I meet can teach me something. I am grateful for their wisdom.

  • I realise the gift of life is precious. 

  • I love and appreciate my beautiful family. 

  • My friends, family & pets enrich my life beyond measure; I am so thankful for each and every one. 


 Turn the “negative” things in your life into positives 

There is always two ways to look at something. Most of the time we automatically take a pessimistic view on a situation. Most often than not, there will always be positive aspects to a situation or hurdle you may face. Take a breath – and embrace the situation with optimism and positivity. Be willing to learn from every experience you may face. 


 Gratitude Journaling 

 Simply take 2-3 minutes each morning and night to give thanks to whoever or whatever you are grateful for.  Writing down in a journal what you are thankful for is a great way to keep track of your thoughts. If you have time, you could add pictures and write down a variety of daily gratitude affirmations. Treat yourself to an amazing journal, we love Christian Lacroix notepads from Liberty.  

 We also love this journal by CGD London, it is specifically for gratitude and it is our favourite colour – pink! 

Here are some prompts for a gratitude journal if you are finding it difficult to start writing...  

  • Who are your favourite people in your life right now? 

  • What motivates you to get out of bed?  

  • Who is your biggest idol or role model? 

  • What is your most influential life experience? 

  • What book has had the most significant impact on your life? 

  • Have you ever received a random act of kindness? And how did it make you feel? 

  • What are some of your proudest achievements? 

  • What characteristics do you like most about yourself? 

  • What is the biggest challenge you have overcome? 

  • Where have you turned a negative experience into a positive one?  

Showing gratitude will be both physically and mentally uplifting for you and for those around you. The love you give to others will come back around to you. We attract the energy we give. You will feel much more motivated and optimistic as you are constantly reminding yourself of what brings you sources of success, joy and love. 

 We are so thankful and grateful for YOU, our crystal tribe. 

Love LLIO x 

Nia Thomas