How to be your Best-Self

When you look in the mirror do you see your best self looking back? If not, don’t worry, you have the power to change this. You and only you can make this great change, so take the plunge and become the best version of you.  

Various external factors often stand in our way when becoming the best version of ourselves. You may feel at times that it is unattainable. It is important not to give up. Stay motivated and keep striving to be the person you want to be.  

 It can seem like an overwhelming task when making drastic changes, but it is more attainable than you may think. Transforming into your best self requires optimisation of all aspects of your life to enable personal growth. It is a change of mindset rather than a set of physical changes. The transformation will not happen overnight. Essentially, it is a series of daily changes that will help you gradually reach your full potential.  

 Here are our top tips to help you become the best version of you: 

Create goals

Visualise your optimal self and create goals that will help you achieve this. Make short-term and long-term goals; this is critical for personal growth. If you are career orientated, you could set long-term goals which will help you take the next big step in your career. Ask yourself questions, such as, ‘what more can I do to become the perfect candidate for a promotion?’ 

Set realistic expectations 

When you set goals, remember that patience is a virtue and big changes do not always happen overnight. Reaching your full potential can take time. The journey may take months, even years, and you will experience good and bad days, however, if you stay realistic and motivated anything is possible.  

 Eliminate obstacles and distractions 

It is important to delve deeper and identify what is holding you back. These distractions and obstacles could really be preventing you from achieving your full potential. It may be a toxic or negative relationship in your personal or work life, it could even be an addiction to using technology. Try your best to eliminate or restrict whatever is holding you back.  

 Take the leap and leave your comfort zone 

 Every successful person is a risk-taker. It may pay off to take a risk or it may not. Never be afraid to fail. Failure is a learning experience that can help you become more resilient and build character. Leaving your comfort zone can often be scary and will require bravery, but more often than not the benefits are definitely worth the risk.  


Incorporate positive affirmations into your everyday 

 Here at LLIO, we love affirmations, and we truly believe that they do magical things. We are often our own worst enemies, so a little self-encouragement can work wonders. We recommend researching or creating affirmations that speak to you and your goals. Say them daily and you will almost instantly reap the benefits.  

 So, what are you waiting for? Make these changes in your daily life and become the person you are destined to be. 

Nia Thomas