SLEEP - LLIO’s top tips

Sleep is important, a full night’s rest helps your body and mind recharge.

We hope LLIO’s sleep tips help you drift off to dream-land faster

Swap your phone for a book

An easy change you can make to your routine.  What seems like a small adjustment, can make a significant

difference. The blue light expelled by mobile phones powerfully supresses the production of melatonin,

the sleep hormone.  Swap social media for an evening of reading. Reading is known to reduce stress and

stimulate your mind, two elements that will help you have a great night’s sleep. 

 Disconnect to reconnect

Our modern, fast paced lifestyles never allow us to truly ‘switch off’ and truly disconnect.  Make

a conscious effort and go for an evening walk. Not only will this improve your physical health, it will help

you feel relaxed and hopefully unwind for the day.   If you are able to access a green space,

surrounded yourself by nature.  Fresh air and natural light will increase levels of serotonin, the happy

hormone, leaving you feel content and ready for bed.  

Invest in some sleep-inducing beauty products 


Start your night routine with a soak in the tub.  For a night of sweet slumber add a few drops of our ‘Beauty

Sleep Bath & Body Crystoil’ to block stress and remove any negative energies. Taking a bath will not only

help you sleep but it will help you fall asleep quicker, due to the relaxing nature of a warm bath.  It’s

scientifically proven dropping temperature at night helps fall asleep.

Just before hitting the pillow spritz our ‘Sweet Dreams Amethyst Sleep Spray’. A luxurious blend of

soothing lavender true, geranium, deep vetiver and rosewood will help you drift off into a deep restorative


Without sleep we cannot function at our best and project the best version of ourselves. With the stress of

Covid constantly on our mind’s the one way we can totally switch off is to sleep. If you are struggling to get

some shut eye, then follow our tips to have a full, rejuvenating night of rest. Sleep is one of the most

important ways we can care for our mind, body and soul.

Nia Thomas