LOVE YOURSELF with a Rose Quartz Ritual Crystal Bath

Ancient Egyptian royalty were the first to understand the benefits of bathing with essential oils and flowers. Hot baths are known to help decrease blood pressure and stress, while balancing serotonin levels.

LLIO’s Rose Quartz bathing ritual

Set the scene - dim the lights, light a candle and let the hot water run. Before getting in, put towels on the radiator and sprinkle magical LLIO Rose Quartz Bath & Body Oil into the bathtub.

Place a singular Rose Quartz crystal or several of them around the bathtub. Rose quartz is known as the stone of love, it brings peace and dissolves emotional wounds in the heart chakra. Bathing with rose quartz will allow you to embrace its loving properties.

JustBe aesthetician Negin Niknejad told Vogue that crystals will “emit positive energy, leaving you in high spirits.” Chakra Balancing is a beautiful affair and when it comes to our heart chakra, rose quartz is perfect as it radiates energy full of love.

A rose quartz crystal bath is an amazing place to meditate. Soak in, not only the water, but the intentions and vibrations you infused into it. Recognise your inner goddess and practice self-love.

Set a loving intention for yourself.

“I am surrounded by love”

1.     I accept myself exactly as I am now.

2.     I accept myself unconditionally.

3.     I accept love from myself.

4.     I am at peace with where I am.

5.     I am perfect, just as I am.

6.     I am enough.

7.     I am whole.

8.     I am constantly growing, evolving and becoming my best self.

9.     I embrace who I am.

Treating yourself to a crystal infused bath is one of our favourite spiritual self-care rituals. It may take time to move past energetic and emotional blockages, but LLIO Rose Quartz Bath & Body Oil is here to help. Immerse yourself in a magical blend of rose geranium, sweet orange & lavender true charged with rose quartz crystals.

Purchase our Rose Quartz Bath & Body Oil here to start your journey to ultimate self-care.

Nia Thomas